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Industrial Building – Foundation Repair

Industrial Building - Foundation Repair Pier Footing Separated From The Slab Advocate Foundation Repair was recently on the job at an industrial warehouse. We were attending to the foundation for this large industrial building. The problem and the reason we got the...

1 Day Coatings – Penntek Industrial Coating Installation in Fort Worth TX

1 Day Coatings Adapting to Increased Demand: New Technology Times are good and recently we have been blown away by the tremendous level of support we've received for our 1 Day Coatings product line. Everyday we are getting phone calls from home owners requesting Free...

Heavy Rain Causes Significant Foundation Problems

The Issues of Heavy Rain What Happens When You Have Poor Drainage? North Central Texas has been the victim of significant heavy rains this Fall. Unfortunately, anytime we go through periods of intense rains, this water needs a place to go. Residential & Commercial...

The Principles of Foundation Repair & Maintenance

Understanding the World of Foundation Repairs How Many Types of Foundation Repairs Are There? If you've seen the scary image (shown above) at your own home, you're not alone. Right now, Texas is experiencing a heavy season of Fall rains. Although this type of weather...

1 Day Coatings – Swimming Pool Deck Renovation in Fort Worth TX

1 Day Coatings Swimming Pool Deck Renovation in Fort Worth TX The word has gotten out - 1 Day Coatings is the new solution for swimming pool deck renovations in North Central TX! We traveled all the way from Wichita Falls TX to Fort Worth TX to complete this swimming...

Mid-Century Home – Foundation Repair

Repairing The Foundation - Mid-Century Home A properly built and maintained house can easily last a lifetime. It's a place where you and your loved ones create memories and build wealth - to pass on to future generations. One secret to a house's longevity is a solid...

Built Upon a Rock: Our Rules for Renovation Projects

Stone Wall Renovation & Repair In his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus told the story of a wise man who built his house upon a rock. Rain pelted against it. Rivers swelled around it. Winds blew into it. The forces of nature could not bring this house down because its...

El Tapatio – Commercial 1 Day Coatings Installation

El Tapatio Restaurant Commercial Kitchen - Heavy Foot Traffic If you've ever been in a Commercial Kitchen, then you'll know how much abuse they can take. Commercial Kitchens are perfect environments for our product to be showcased. These floors take years and years of...

1 Day Coatings Pool Deck Coating Options

1 Day Coatings Pool Deck Coating Options If you have a pool in your backyard, chances are you spend a considerable amount of time in it or around it on the pool deck. It's a place where you can take a quick dip to cool off on a scorching summer afternoon. Secondly,...

The Home & Garden Show – Foundation Repair Booth

Advocating Community Outreach The Home & Garden Show - March 2016 Advocate Construction is always actively seeking new ways to reach out to our community and spread the word: "We Advocate For Our Customers!" Trade Shows are great venues for us to meet new...


9873 Seymour Hwy
Wichita Falls, TX 76310

Phone Number

(940) 867-9025

Email Address



6425 NW Cache Rd suite 211 Lawton, OK 73505

Phone Number

(580) 699-4773



9873 Seymour Hwy
Wichita Falls, TX 76310

Phone Number

(940) 867-9025